
Mad Mind

A lot of people have told me recently that I belong in the TV show Mad Men on AMC, but I hope it's more of an appearance-driven statement than a personality-driven statement. I mean, I take it as a compliment that my attire points towards the show. I would be less-than-flattered if I were compared to the men of the show and their antics.

No, I'm not here to vainly talk about my non-Scott Schulman noticing look, but those words bring me around to the questions, "What am I doing?" Ok, that question is random, true, but it leads to a bigger question. I know I am where I am, working where I am, doing the activities that I'm doing for a reason but where is this yellow bricked road of life leading? It seems like most of my life is filled with self-contained rhetoric, but I don't see that as a bad thing, most of the time.

Auditing? Why would I be in the field in the first place? I recently defined my being an auditor as this: "I used to be the annoying little brother. Now, I'm just the annoying little coworker." Truly that's what auditing is. Whether or not my brothers consider me annoying still - you would have to ask them - I'm not sure. I don't enjoy being annoying. The problem-solving skills I contain do not allow yield great auditing skills necessarily. My "eccentricities," aka 60's glasses, cardigans, and "long" hair are looked down upon by my boss and coworkers, but I'm not going to change myself to conform to the corporation. Is such a rebellious attitude an immature characteristic of myself or should such "eccentricities" be more fitting elsewhere?

Advertising. Although I'm not the most creative or witty guy in the world, I relate to advertising. I take note of the corporation I work for and their advertising. I can relate to catch phrases and buzz words they use. Maybe I do fit in Mad Men. I wonder sometimes if my broad interests and relatively spread-out skills dilute a niche skill I could possess. I sometimes wish I could be in the 100-year past and have a skill that was imposed upon me as to what trade I was going to be involved in. I could build that and I could go from there. No, you will most likely never find me in an Ad Agency or coining the worlds most noticed slogans.

Oh, my musings are amusing and uninteresting I know. As I postulate my uncertainties, I do have direction. It's more humorous and enjoyable to point to a world of mass uncertainty when I only have a microcosm of certainty. I'll just have to keep my thousands of readers posted on my life, after each new yellow brick I cross. Just be glad that I'm not that annoying to you, unless of course you're a family member, coworker, roommate, friend, social-network friend or follower, or...wait, who does that leave left...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sean, you grew out of the annoying stage when you left grade school; you have grown in to a philosophical,thoughtful, pensive, caring and friend-to-many individual;keep on doing what you're doing!even though your brothers thought you as annoying, i enjoyed having you by my side as we had so many common interests as far as sports was concerned;i was probably just as annoying to my big sis karen; --dad--

10:41 AM  

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