
North Dakota 5

as some of you know (actually probably all of you since i have about 2 readers - all to my own fault) i went to north dakota this last weekend. why the heck would i go there you might ask. pretending to have readers that don't know, i went because i am trying to go to all 50 states. north dakota is number 49 on the list. 

so a friend of mine has a best friend up in bismarck so we planned a trip to go up there - for her to visit her friend and for me to cross of number 49. i didn't expect to be blown away by north dakota, and north dakota lived up to every ounce of expectations. it was flat, not too impressive, and slightly odd. the 5 things i take out of north dakota are listed here:

1. EVERYONE says "really." not just really really, but like this really: "did you hear about him and her. i mean they have been together for so long and he's already cheated on her twice, really?!"
2. local restaurants serve popcorn before meals.
3. north dakota has no local breweries. 
4. "clam diggers" are exclusive drinks in north dakota - clamato juice (clam and tomato), vodka, banana pepper juice, banana peppers, celery, and a green olive....no joke.
5. north dakota's tallest building, the capitol, is 18 stories tall.

it was a fun trip, but it was weird too. it was a quirky state with quirky tastes. it was almost like i was living on the jerry springer show or cops or cheaters or something. all bars allow smoke and have drink specials on weekends. popular things to do are bar tabs (you buy one for a dollar and it's almost like a lottery game) and "suck and blow" (basically a jello shot in a tube that one person blows and the other person sucks). maybe i gave into the stigma by only taking note of the bars and drinks that surrounded me in north dakota. whatever the situation, it was one trip i'll never forget. all i know is number 49 is crossed off the list...now onto planning 50 - that will be paradise...


Blogger Mrs Gina K said...

I'm so happy that you were able to cross 49 off the list! Impressive! I'm sure you have more than 2 readers too! :) You should add the followers application on here so that those of us that want to can "follow" you so that we're alerted each time you blog! I'm http://mrsginak.blogspot.com & I'm trying to get better about blogging! Thanks for sharing your trip with the world & I can't wait to see your pictures!!!

6:19 AM  
Blogger Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Sounds like a ton of fun to me. =) I gotta say, those drinks sound veerrry interesting.

9:52 PM  
Blogger davidtreece said...

three readers!

10:21 PM  
Blogger Tina J said...

You certainly were including your mom in the list of readers, right? Make it 4.

3:34 PM  
Blogger CS said...

Reader number five wonders when we will see another Sean update.

1:13 PM  

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