
A new day. A new President.

11.09.1988: As a young, squirrelly, 4 year old, I remember waking up and running to my dad who was reading the paper and eating breakfast at the kitchen table. He pointed to a guy on the front and said, "Sean, this is going to be our new President." It was George Bush Sr. 

01.20.1993: I was sitting in a classroom in the Southwest corner of our school that had a window looking right at the flag pole and the American flag. I was in 3rd grade, and we were in the 4th grade classroom watching President Clinton walk down the street in his Inaugural Parade. I remember thinking I had to add a new name at the end of "The President's Song" we learned that year...Clinton seemed so off rhythm being stuck at the end of the song. 

01.20.1997: I was in 7th grade, and I kept wondering if I would see my brother on TV as he was a U.S. House Page that year, and I knew he happened to be in DC for the inauguration. I never saw him, but I know he saw quite the spectacle that day. 

11.07.2000: With a very energized history teacher in 11th grade who made us, or rather willingly taught us to, adamantly follow the election, I remember watching the Bush-Gore showdown at 7pm, 11pm, 3am. I think I finally fell asleep at 3am. I knew I was watching history that very night as it was a close Presidential race that could have changed history forever. 

11.02.2004: I was standing in line at Pensacola Christian College that wrapped around a few soccer fields. We basically were our own precinct. I don't think there was one person voting against Bush at our school. If there was and the school would have found out, I could almost guarantee they would not have remained at the school for the rest of the semester - whether or not it would have been justified by the school letting them go. I have pictures of myself writing "Bush" in the dirt, smiling with friends, and basically not even knowing what I was doing. Whether or not I would have changed my vote knowing what I know now can never be changed; however, I will say I voted my first Presidential vote fairly blindly without even looking at the issues. They gave us the day off to vote which was unheard of. We were able to stay up past our 10pm curfew to watch the election results on the TVs in our sports arena. Up until 6 months after that day, I didn't even know how to think for myself. In no way do I disrespect former President Bush. Although I disagree with some of his ideologies, I respect him as a former leader and Christian. 

01.20.2009: I woke up knowing that this was going to be an historic day. I had followed and supported Barack Hussein Obama for awhile at this point, and I was very excited to see him being sworn into office. It was on my way home from Pensacola Christian College the same year I voted for and watched President Bush take office that I finally learned how to question everything and believe in what I find best, not what my parents, brothers, friends, church, school, or work tell me. Today has been historic on many levels. I have not seen this country so patriotic since September 12, 2001. He is not a leader because he is in office as the first black President. He is not a leader because he will sit behind a desk and rule with an iron fist. Obama is a leader because he is has lead our country in becoming more patriotic, a better view throughout the world, being out front himself and not hiding, because he has the country's best interest in his interest. Whether or not you voted for Obama, he IS our President and we must pray for him. We have to move forward WITH him. We don't HAVE to agree with everything, but it is my opinion that God has willed him to be OUR President. I don't believe in man. I believe in God. 

In God we trust.

01.20.09: The beginning to a new era.


Blogger Unknown said...

Pretty impressive. I certainly don't remember any inaugurations before 1997.

7:42 AM  
Blogger davidtreece said...

"Obama is a leader because he is has lead our country in becoming more patriotic, a better view throughout the world, being out front himself and not hiding, because he has the country's best interest in his interest."


-it does not matter who is in office someone will hate us and seek our destruction.

-Obama has not lead us to be more patriotic, rather we are closer to becoming what we have been becoming for years.

5:54 PM  
Blogger sean said...

1. You're right. Iran wants us to die, but does that matter who's in office? No. they would have done that if McCain or Ron Paul were to be President too. You can't single out an America-hating country as being Obama hating and not other candidate hating. Even Fox News recognized he was celebrated throughout the world:


2. How can you even say that our patriotism has progressed only to be capped off when Obama became President. I'm sorry, but Bush's approval rating was nearing 30% and Obama's is 80% (give or take percentage depending on the poll), but a record amount of people did not show up to vote for Obama because Bush caused patriotism to excel and Obama gets to ride the wave. I don't even know how anyone, liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, black or white, rich or poor can say that Obama hasn't got the country behind him. Look at pictures. Listen to his speeches. America IS behind Obama!

6:20 PM  
Blogger davidtreece said...

America has long been the country of high morals and ethics. We have enjoyed the fruits of past Biblical Christians of generations in yesteryear, and sadly we are not giving that to the generations that will follow.

With lack of discernment we have chosen what is a thumb nail deep, and have deceived ourselves in believing Obama will bring America hope that only the Lord can give.

On the approval rating you are comparing apples and oranges, because Bush was in for eight years and Obama has been in two days. Why would his approval rating be low?

Sweeping generalizations are hard to live up too. Everyone is behind Obama. The silenced few have a voice, whether they choose to speak or not another issue.

6:55 PM  
Blogger sean said...

How can it be said that we have enjoyed the fruits of past Biblical Christians of generations in yesteryear when our economy is worse than it's been for 80 years.

So you're saying that although I prayed heavily for the election, as did a lot of other Christians, we used lack of discernment? I prayed fervently whom I should vote for and I never hesitated voting for Obama. I agree that Only the Lord can give us hope. That is why I trust that He has willed Obama to lead our Country. Why is it that people that are so opposed to Obama's ideologies say, "In God We Trust (except that Obama is President)?" Isn't this a time that all Christians can look forward to the possibilities this brings us? Christians were happy about American politics when Bush was President, but now that he is out, all hell has broken loose in the political world. Can't Christians be happy that Obama is President and use this as an opportunity to share God's love with people.

Fair enough. Obama hasn't been able to prove himself yet, but the fact of the matter is he did turn out record number of people to vote - there's no denying that.

Everyone has a voice. I agree. But that does not undermine the fact that the majority of America is happy to have a President like Obama.

8:10 PM  
Blogger davidtreece said...


You are here because overwhelmingly America once believed in the mores our founders had. You are able to share your feelings about Obama because someone wanted to worship God without limitations.

If a pagan man follows Biblical principles he will prosper, and Christian and non-Christian alike held values that generated God's favor in our grandparents day. We have slowly began as a nation distancing ourselves from God and the Bible. Obama is one step closer to the distancing.The economy can go to shambles. A Christian's vote should not be determined by how much money we have, but who most exemplifies Biblical standards. Obama does not hold Biblical standards.

There is a major difference between God's permissive will and his will we would like to have for us. God will eventually give us what we desire when we are not listening to him. I will not have you believe I am even and bit qualified to discuss God's will, so I'll leave that (I do know Romans one speaks about God giving people what they desire over his will).

The argument that America is flocking to Obama is just false. Wikipedia will tell you he one by just over seven percent. Enjoy the moment.

11:48 AM  

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