
ghost post

if anyone ever comes across this blog, it will most likely be after 2010. i have failed my readers in not keeping up to date, and i can't really say that i'm too sorry.

my life in a nutshell:

i moved back to colorado at the end of july to pursue a life-long happiness with my native land. it has been more than i could ask for, and i have loved every minute being back. i have enjoyed going to rockies games, keeping in touch with several friends in the denver, fort collins, and colorado springs areas. i look forward to going to more athletic events soon.

a natural question inevitebly arises - what are you doing for work? well my skilled line of work has been slow moving on the job front. i've had some interviews, and, due to unfortunate beaurocracy it takes awhile. i'm still in the mix. i did land a job driving for a limo company during the democratic national convention and enjoyed meeting congressmen, delegates, ceos, staff aides, foreign officials, and businessmen. i have driven a bit since then, but it was a blessing of a job for a week that will be able to sustain me while i continue looking for a "real" job.

i found a really good church in downtown denver that is very welcoming and straightforward with what they're all about. i will look forward to getting involved in the next couple of weeks as i signed up for a gospel class (an explanation of what the church's vision, mission, beliefs are - important for any entity, in my opinion, to get everyone on the same page) and a bible study, as well as, a question group that meets in a coffee shop which is for anyone who believes in christianity to anyone who is flat out disgruntled by christianity to have discussions/debates/etc.

i have got really involved with a group from yelp.com that has been meeting for different social events. they put on a bowling party for us (free bowling, free drinks, 10 free burritos from qdoba for the winner on each lane). on sunday we had a "pizza quest" where 20 of us hopped 3 different pizza places and compared them. it was a fun event, and i met some great people.

i have been riding my bike around the last few days and plan on keeping that up. denver is such a great cycling city and my converted 5-speed is perfect (although i have to admit denver is more hilly than fort collins, but it's been fn). i really want to get plugged into racquetball here, but some employers have free or discounted health club memberships so i'm waiting to see if i can utilize that for racquetball.

that's my life in a nutshell over the last couple of months. i am not the best with keeping in touch, but you can always follow me on twitter (twitter.com/srj228) for quick updates. i do miss the people, but not necessarily the geography, in virginia.

ps. i am officially a colorado resident again as of yesterday, and i am happy about that.


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