
How far can ninety dollars go?

Alright, I promise this is the last time I will talk about my trips, of course until it gets closer to leaving and finally a summary of my trips. However here is the summary of the last few weeks with Northwest Airlines (sorry, some repeat necessary).

I got two free tickets. I am using one to go to Alaska ($20 total - $10 for the ticket. $10 for the agent booking the ticket) in June. I will be flying out of Roanoke (a podunk airport an hour away with layovers in Detroit and Minneapolis - fine with me, they can rack up my frequent flyer miles...sorry worldperk miles). I will be gone June 9-14.

I am using the second one to fly from Washington DC to Portland ($10 total -$10 for the ticket bought online) on March 7. I will be in Portland for a day or two, find a ride (hitchhike or catch a bus or a train or a friend) up to Seattle. I will tentatively be there for 4 days. I then bought a web special ticket from Southwest Airlines for $59.50 from Seattle to Boise (it cost twice as much for me to fly one way from Seattle to Boise as it did roundtrip to Alaska and the Northwest...still a good deal). I will be in Boise March 12 (late night), 13, and fly home early on the 14th. I fly home from Boise on March 14 back to D.C. That gives me $.50 to buy a newspaper on one of my trips).

1 roundtrip ticket to Alaska: $20
1 roundtrip ticket to the Northwest: $10
1 ticket from Seattle to Boise: $59.50
Crossing of states 45,46,47, and 48: priceless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's amazing!!! I want to know how you do it, but you look way better if you act like it is a mysterious business you are in.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, stop by my place and I'll give you $5 for some coffee in Seattle. :)

10:52 AM  

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