
rum and bananas so don't go together...or do they?

i have to let it known that this morning was a fabulous morning, and one that i will remember for a long time. so what's the exciting news i heard, what happened to me, who was she you might all ask. well, nothing like that really happened. to ease your intrigue, let me explain.

after waking up about 10am, i checked my e-mail and chatted with my friend dave. as he had already been up for awhile and already had been to school for the day, he left and took a nap. i looked outside and realized it was a bit cloudy. i know my readers as of late must think that colorado only rains in the summer, but that's actually really rare. in fact, i went downstairs and realized that it used to rain a lot in the summer, but as of late we've had horrible droughts in colorado in the summer. we have had watering laws as to when you could water, because it's so dry. well this soon-to-be rainy day put a smile on my face as i love to see my mom's flowers welcome rain like a vagabond in the desert.

when i was getting out of bed, i decided i was going to make banana pancakes. normally, i make coffee and breakfast then get ready for the day, but today i decided to get ready then make breakfast. it proved to be a good choice as it had started to rain, lightning, and thunder by the time i was ready to start cooking. i turned on some lights in the house (unusual for a spring morning in colorado) and decided to turn on our local jazz station as i often do when cooking. i mixed the basic ingredients to get a smooth pancake batter and cut up a banana to get my banana pancake batter ready. i then added a touch of vanilla (my cooking trademark is adding vanilla to about most everything that will be sweetened - pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc). i then opened the cabinet and my eyes met some bacardi rum that my mom had for cooking. i was intrigued so i gave it a smell. i knew right away the rum would accent the bananas perfectly so i added some to the batter. after the pancakes were cooked, my second trademark is to drizzle honey, not syrup, on top of pancakes. don't add too much as it can get too sweet, but add enough that the vanilla comes out and you'll have a party in your mouth.

while all of this was happening, i made a smooth cup of coffee made from zoka coffee beans that my friend whitney had sent me from seattle. i truly am in love with this particular coffee and have moved it to the top of my list of all time favorite coffees. fabulous.

pancakes on the plate. coffee in the mug. jazz on the radio. rain in the air. smile on my face.

it was like a "roman holiday" morning minus audrey hepburn, gregory peck, vespas, and italy, but it gave me that feel-good mood that i could take on the world. i really think those were the best pancakes i have ever made, and i challenge you to make them, as well as, a rivaling recipe that i can later try.

enjoy the pancakes. enjoy the coffee. enjoy the rain. enjoy the jazz.
Sean-style banana rum pancakes
1c bisquick
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 t vanilla extract
1 1/2 t rum

add ingredients, mix, cook. drizzle honey on top, and enjoy with your favorite coffee or juice.


Blogger davidtreece said...

i like the fact that i was ready for an afternoon nap when you were still waking up. details like those let the mind wonder.

8:35 PM  

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