
seniority is legit. senioritis is(n't) legit.

i know, it has been a long time (forever in the minds of you avid readers around the world) since i have posted a blog. in the words of reigen, is that my bad? well here is the long awaited post that you all have been constantly refreshing your pages for.

i am in my final semester of college, getting ready to graduate in (exactly) seven weeks (from today), but who's counting? i had an uber busy last couple of weeks after basking in the sun on the west coast of los angeles. (i fell in love in los angeles, not with a girl, but with the city.) i had to turn in a 20 page paper on economic value added for my advanced financial management class. if you don't know what economic value added (eva) is, you're not far behind me. it's a simple equation for a complex analysis of performance indicators of companies. believe me, that just made me sound smarter than i really am, because i unwittingly had to explain that all in 20 pages. if you'll do me a favor and stop shifting in your seats from being impatient, i'll post that paper soon so you can see what eva is all about - or should i say what my paper is all about with hopes that it will be somewhat indicative of what eva is all about.

as mentioned before, i am in my final semester of college. i have to admit, i haven't wanted to study or do work but play and have fun. that's not entirely true, but after being in overtime (having transferred from my wonderful previous college, five years is the timeline for me to graduate), school takes its toll. i am having a great semester though. no regrets so far. i have been trying to utilize my friendships amap (as much as possible). it's been a whirlwind of activities - skating here, hockey with these people, saturday morning coffee there, chilling then, movies with those people, and an array of other activities that takes too long to mention.

speaking of mentioning, maybe you caught in there the real gem of lynchburg, virginia - skating. we found a roller skating rink that has free admission. the catch, if you don't have your own skates, is a three dollar fee to rent skates - i know, not much of a catch. since many of my friends have their own rollerblades (not to dilute the company but to express in more universal terms) we can just come and go for free as we please. howard, the apparent owner, is a nice gentlemen who appreciates kids coming in. we also organized a "party" at skate world by deciding to go skating. we invited a bunch of people on the basis of "come if you want, don't if you don't." about fifteen people showed, and that was our estimate.

seven weeks is a long time, but seven weeks is a short time. only time itself will tell what happens between now and then and after then. i wish everyone a wonderful april and to those (peter, will, judy and others) a happy birthday in april.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! Congratulations for being so close to graduating!!! Love and miss you buddy!

3:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks bro. The next month will fly by. Sorry I can't be there to help Lynchburg give you a swift kick in the seat outta town. Are you headed to LA right away, or are you going for a bit of R&R in FoCo first? You could always come backpacking on the North Shore with Larry, Daniel, and me. I think we'll be up there the weekend after you graduate. Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Baby bear are all hanging in there in the cold, Great White North.

2:19 PM  

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