
and then there were 5

as we are nearing the end of the year, we are trying to have some fun. after david and i made "the list" for reigen, reigen and david made "the list" for me. what is "the list?" "the list" is a list of 5 girls that they choose and i have to write about for you (the readers) and them to vote on for me. who will make it from "the list" to "the final cut?" that is solely up to the readers.

1. she is the longest known girl of the group and i know as much about her as any of them. she comes from a family who loves sports. she has aspirations that are impressive, but they are not on my list of things to do. she is cute by nature but is highly independent which may be good or bad. she has a sense of humor, but sometime she hides her laugh. she is fun to hang around, but she might power trip even the smallest broken rule.

2. she is the most athletic of the group, but frankly i don't know much about her. she is a cute girl and fun to hangout with. she has a style that yells urban outfitters which gets me, but i see her about once a month. sometimes we can talk for awhile, but sometimes we talk les than 30 seconds. she loves coffee which is a definite plus for me, but she has more friends than i have interests. she runs in the most well-known of the circles and she always smiles.

3. she is the least-known of the group but her looks are super legit. the first time i saw this cute girl, she was wearing the pumas i always have been a sucker for. the next time i saw her, her north face coat caught my eye which screamed "i'm not afraid to go outdoors" or maybe just "i'm trendy." either way, it caught my eye. i've talked to her about 1 time in total, but the times i see her and the one time i talked to her, i thought, "she's cute for sure." oh yeah, she might be leaving next semester.

4. friend of friends is how i know this ube-cute girl. well, kinda. i've spoken to her a total of two nights, but i have more in common with here than any of the others - that i know of at least. if asked what my "ideal girl" looks-wise was, i would not have described her. my "ideal girl" may have changed since then. we could talk back and forth for a few hours or days and not run out of stuff to talk about. her sense of humor is forgiving of mine and her personality captures audiences. oh yeah, to top it off, she's 4 years younger than me, and we all know what that means in college years...or does it.

5. the girl who's sense of humor is - dare i say - superior to mine would be the last of the bunch. i may pull all my tricks and dig down for any wit i think i have, but she will always surpass me. i can't keep up with her humor. she is just as cute looking as her humor is witty. we haven't talked deeply, but we haven't needed to yet. like me, she graduates in may and is eager to be done. her caregiving nature is a plus, but her height may pose a problem. she is about my height, true, but she has been spotted wearing heals, and we all know what that means.

there you have it. you the readers must comment and must tell me where my heart should be to follow. i've spoken to you. now, you speak to me.


Blogger little kate said...

you boys and these silly lists (we all know you boys want to end up with me). but, because i am a good, quality, non-risque friend, i will give my opinion.

def. not #1. sports can be overrated and power trips suck.
#2, #3 sound good.
#4 needs to get out of high school.
#5 sounds great.

8:17 PM  
Blogger hulkomania said...

alright dude, here is the last recommendation you will ever have to read. purely genius.

1. forget her the only thing worse than a girl on a power trip is...nothing. there is nothing worse than a girl on a power trip

2. i see a possible connection here, but unless she is able to ditch all of her friends for you, which i dont see happening, forget her

3. ok, the body work is legit, but is the engine up to par? you dont have much time, so if you want it, call her in for a tune up to see what she has under the hood.

4. too young. i realize you are graduating so the only option if you want this one is to stay in (gasp) lynchburg. not worth it.

5. no girl should ever be funnier than a dude. when this happens you get such comedians as paula poundstone and kathy griffin. enough said.

9:40 PM  
Blogger hulkomania said...

oh yeah, i guess #3 but get to work

9:41 PM  
Blogger davidtreece said...

in order of how you should approach: 4, 5, 3.

4, because age should never be a factor in love. she is of the most similiar culture and mentality as you and would offer more ease to the situation.

5, frankly, i've seen you work with this girl...and frankly, it's very flirt-erfic...and i like it. it's funny...and the first step to deeper things to come is the flirt-erfic stage.

3, just seems like their is to much red tape with this option. if the friends are anti it's not worth it, because it will be ****. take a chance and venture out...go against the grain that you so desperatly desire go against.

in conclusion, coffee was never so harmless as is in our day, and once again you are leaving in a matter of months. if you fowl it up with any option you would only have the possiblity of seeing them for what like four months. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE!!

10:37 PM  
Blogger davidtreece said...

*it should be noted: i did not pre-post read the comment. therefore, figure out what needs to go where. it's exam week give me a break.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m thinkin that what I commented on reigans blog is still on point with this situation. On the other hand, let us get down to business.
#1—There are too many sentences followed by another statement beginning with “but.”
#2—she is up in the air there seems to not be enough contact
#3—There seems to be lack of ground work with this one. Her mysterious nature is def attractive, however she could be off the reservation. The facts are unknown
#4—She sounds promising. Age is a concern, for timing is always a factor with love. The line “My ‘ideal girl’ may have changed since then.” Tells me that you are def struck by this girl. Quality. This one wins my vote.
#5—This girl sounds amazing, but with her graduating soon as well she might not have a lot of direction at this point.. or that direction may just be different than that of your own. The height thing could be a problem as well.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok i think 3 and 2... more 3. 2 has potential. 5 overpowers you and that takes a lot to outshine you so i'd say no. 1... just plain no. 4... highschool enough said.

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh sean..you and my brother really need to stop fishing in my freind pool for girls it just seems a little wierd and frankly i am tired of breaking hearts when i have to tell you that these girls are just not into you...sorry :(

11:55 PM  

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