

i don't know what your 12.20.06 is all about or what's happening in your area, but in my area it's been great.

i woke up at 9 to get ready for my cousin's kindergarten christmas program. i headed out about 10 and watched thatcher's 1/2 hour show. it was cute of course. i got home and couldn't decide what to do.

i decided to head to old town for some coffee. i got about a mile away and a car in front of me stalled on a hill. that was it for me. my momentum was literally stopped in its tracks and i couldn't get going again on the slick snow. i parked my car and walked home.

i finally decided to go snowshoeing. (for those of you that don't know what it is, it is walking with snowshoes - special shoes to help walk on top of snow). i figured i'd just showshoe to old town. i called starry night and they were closing at 3. if i left right away, i could get there about 2:20 and have 40 minutes to read then come back. i left at 1:15 and made good time. the 3 mile journey took exactly one hour in headwinds and a blizzard. starry night decided to close at 2 so i was out of luck. i walked around and finally found that mugs was open. i stepped in for half an hour and had some drip coffee. i was back on my way and had the wind at my back this last part of my trip.

the trip was about 7 miles round trip. along my journey i saw people shoveling, kids playing in the snow, dogs playing in the snow, cars getting stuck in the snow, and a plethora of other snow activities.

i have not seen 5 seconds today that it has not been blizzarding. i did get a call from my parents and my dad is stuck in denver (both of colorado's main interstates, i-25 and 1-70, are completely shut down) and my mom is stuck at school (the drifts have sealed the doors and my mom couldn't get out in time as it is my parents choice to ride to work together if my dad ever is going that way).

so i'm stuck here (luckily in my house). i'm watching seinfeld, my shirt smells like wet wool, and i'll probably start a fire and do some reading or watch a movie. i would watch the first nuggets game that allen iverson is part of the team, but that has been postponed. time will tell. oh yeah, the newscasters just said that the storm just got over the halfway point.


Blogger davidtreece said...

that's sucks about starry night/car, but mugg's is legit....hope you are having a blast....stay warm....if only you had a boonsboro/19.2 delight to share the moment with.

6:17 PM  
Blogger little kate said...

you have have allen iverson. philly now officially hates him.

11:43 AM  
Blogger peder halseide said...

gonna go 'shoing agin today?

8:25 AM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Its been a snowless AND Iversonless Vacation here in PA... you just keep taking dont you Janelle

12:21 PM  

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