
central va is so last year next year

i can't wait to get done with school. every day it is harder for me to do school work as i am overdue on graduating. it's not bad to be in school longer than 4 years per se, but when you're past your fourth year, school gets to be rough. maybe it's the location of my schooling.

i'm not one for rural. i'm not one for the south. i'm ready to go north or go west and i'll be happy. i can't wait to big-city explore like my brother has.i will never know as much as him or my other brother, or my dad at that, about the nooks and crannies of big cities, but i know i already know more than most. i can't wait to do the stuff i want to, aka finance.

i love the finance i have been doing, but will like doing it more. i can then work alot, order in some chinese, wind down with a drink, go to a cafe on saturday morning, hit up the city, and live the big-city life. i know, that may not be what it is going to be like, but after being here where there are virtually no good local coffee shops or cafes, i can make up what i want.

so my hybrid life has kicked off. i am working in the accounts payable part of the accounting department at school. i start work at 8, end at 5, and sandwich classes in between. it's good to get off main campus and work with actual adults. i mean even though they are all older and they talk about what they should or shouldn't let their high school kids do, i chime in and do my work. i enjoy going and enjoy the people and enjoy what i do. luckily i'm going to ship out to minneapolis to spend the thanksgiving week with my oldest brother, his wife, her family and my parents. until then, i have stuff to do and an aesthetically non-pleasing place to do it in - probably the worst of all my central, va concerns.


Blogger little kate said...

i'm so happy for you that you got the job! i've been praying that it would work out for you. :)

and you should move north. there's this great city... it's called philthy.

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sean, sean....do you want some cheese to go with that wine?! i went through school on the seven year plan, so don't feel so bad; some day you may appreciate rural life, maybe not in va or the south, but maybe a nice mountain retreat out west when you get tired of the big city. for now though, dream big and finish strong in school to set yourself up for a grand career in whichever direction you take!

9:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hang in there, bro. There are plenty of nooks and crannies for you to explore in Mpls.

12:21 PM  

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