
family diversity

my family is about as diverse as one family could get - well kind of.

i'm sitting in virginia going to school and learning about finance and wondering where i'll be next year when i graduate. i'm enjoying hanging out with my friends but wishing i was in a more fun-filled place to have fun in. i have had a good run at school but am looking forward to being done in may. i am excited to be done but i know i'll miss college life. i am now the only one in the family who hasn't lived in a "big city" at one point in my life. i want to take on life outside of college in a city - possibly the west coast or nyc or boston. who knows. i sure don't. i've had the most bizarre semester of my life. i don't study as much as i "should" but i've been getting better grades than i have in the past. i'm taking two upper-level business classes that i have around a 93 in one and around 100 in the other. it's not that i'm smart; i attribute it to the fact that these classes both have actual work to do in them. if i could do written work and not have to ever read or take a test again, i would. should i have been a mathmetician? actually i would have if i knew i could find a job after school. dang, should i have been an art major? no. i have no art genes attached to my name.

that brings me to my brother. as i am a few hours from the atlantic ocean, he is a few minutes from the pacific ocean. we are as diverse as two brothers could be...geographically...in the united states...not taking latitude into consideration. those art genes that i didn't get, they were all given to my brother patrick, and i am glad he does have them all. if i did have an ounce of an art gene, i would wish that he could have it too (not that he needs more, but ok all art kids need more). as i am sitting on a brand new mac g5, he is typing on his computer in a cafe in la probably. while i am learning about finance and business, he is getting real world experience in la. he is doing graphic design on the side of his career in acting he is pursuing. he is great at art, but he is even better at networking. he has moved exponentially up the ranks as an actor. look for him now. look for him in the future.

peter, my other brother is a student in minnesota pursuing who knows what. if i were to take a stab at his major for graduate school it would be international public policy. i think that might be correct, but i don't know for sure. after graduating from moody bible institute, he moved up to winona, minnesota where he met his wife ginny. they got married almost two years ago and moved up to minneapolis so peter could be a golden gopher, as a graduate student, and possibly ginny too. they like the north and are as outdoor as a couple could get. i don't know for sure, but if i had to take a stab i would say that they have been to a combined 30 countries.

onto the fourth person, my mom. she also is involved in the education program for over 50 hours a week, at least. she is a full-time high school math teacher (and by full time i mean 7-5, monday through friday) while getting her masters in math education. she will be done in may at the latest and hopefully for her pursue another career in teaching...maybe overseas. she is as widely known in the northern colorado private school scene as possibly any other teacher. she has been around for at least 16 years in that particular sector and continuously runs into former students, and yes even former students kids, in classrooms and while watching athletics.

the elder of the family is my father, mi padre, mon pere. he is working hard for wells dairy as a sales representative in northern colorado, southern wyoming, and southwestern nebraska. basically what this entails is driving around to all the stores in northern colorado that carry blue bunny ice cream and make sure things are running smoothly. the intrinsic value of the job adds a lot more than one would think. i wouldn't mind having his job if i could as he gets to travel a lot. he's always itching to do something new, but that would be true no matter what the case. he is by far the most active of all of us as he is either running or cycling. he has instilled in us three boys the bug to travel, to explore, to do something new. i mean life is too short to stay in one place and do one thing.

so there we all are. one in virginia, one in california, two in minnesota, and two in colorado. that basically describes our family well. i would be, and i'm sure most people that know us would be, surprised if we all settled down within one state. although i'm the least independent of us boys, we are all very independent. we probably will stay spread out around the country or world, but that just means we will be able to visit more places and have a place to stay or people to accomodate. we love seeing each other, we love visiting each other, but we love staying spread out too.


Blogger davidtreece said...

i think your dad has it best...ice cream non-stop, i mean come on.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, sean, as i ponder how diverse you three guys have become, i would really enjoy having all of you closer to home so we could hang out and do stuff together. i think we can still find common interests, even if its simply sitting down, talking and having a couple of micros.

10:19 PM  
Blogger little kate said...

arties are cool. everyone wants to be an artie.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

well put anse. truly said Dad. Even though I wouldn't have predicted it ten years ago, I think the four of us guys would really enjoy doing a week-long backpacking trip together. I wonder if Dad would have to carry Pat and Sean on that one too . . .

4:12 PM  

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